HMS Nation Indiana – Best Vintage Toys (and shirts)

vintage 80s toys

We all have that favorite toy that got lost, left out in the rain, sold in a garage sale, broken, misplaced, damaged, or stolen. I personally like Transformers and other vintage 80’s toys. Something about the nostalgia and feel bring me back to my childhood. Until recently, you might have…

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Best Tacos (and shirts) in Portland, Oregon

best tacos portland PDX

Hart Mind Soul custom screen printing, stickers, embroidery and apparel understands the value of good people and a good meal. Something about a quality meal warms our HART and invokes a strong sense of family, home, and warmth. So when we heard that El Gallo Taqueria had plans to move…

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Portland Oregon’s Best Screen Printing Choice

Skin City Portland

Hart Mind Soul and the HMS nation are Portland, Oregon’s best screen printing choice. With quality apparel, professional technicians and courteous customer experience, it is easy to see why Hart Mind Soul is the obvious choice for first class custom screen printing, stickers and embroidery. At Hart Mind Soul custom…

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