Make a Fast And Easy DIY Facemask
Are you starting to run out of things to do while in quarantine? If you start searching YouTube for videos on How To Make A COVID19 Facemask from T Shirts, our video will come up. In addition to being an excellent way to recycle T shirts, you can also (kind of) be safe and look cool at the same time.
Let me start out by stating that these DIY facemasks are not FDA or Government approved. They do not have any proven health benefits, we are just being honest. However, if you need a quick, face mask, these will do the trick in a pinch. Or, you can always buy a professionally made mask, if you can find one for sale.
Because COVID-19 and the Corona Virus Pandemic has brought most business to a standstill, we are happy to still be open for business. In addition to our custom screen printing and sticker operations, we have expanded our offering of bandanas, scarves and manufactured face masks.
Whereas none of our custom items quite have the appeal or draw of the DIY facemasks, they are available upon request. Consequently, the demand for these products has increased since the COVID 19 health crisis, so you can always use our DIY option to hold you over if needed.
Remember, we can produce custom signs and banners to help your business cope with social distancing requirements. If your business is still open, make sure you have hand washing signage in place. Additionally, we can also print vinyl decals for floors or concrete to keep occupancy levels low.
The last thing you want to worry about during the Corona Virus Outbreak is where to get a facemask. You can always buy a mask online, or watch this quick video on how to make your own DIY facemask. Either way, everyone at Hart Mind Soul reminds you to stay well.